Sunday, February 5, 2012

Skull Hat

 I made this hat for my little sister's birthday. She's seemed to like it so I thought I should share it with every one. I love that you can do pretty much anything with it. In the pattern I put in the cross bones too but they didn't make it onto the hat. I did not come up with the skull motif. I got it from another website so the link to that is on here. It's kind of large but I wanted it what way so I didn't mind. This is the first pattern that I have ever written for other people to use so I'm sorry if it's hard to understand. I would love feed back and if you have any questions please ask. Happy crocheting!

Hook: Whatever you are comfortable with or want to use. I used a J for the hat and an H or everything.

*Note* The hate is worked in a continuous round so you will want to use a stitch marker. The pattern is worked in only the back loops to give it a little texture and to make it look good.

Ch2 or magic loop & sc 6 in to it (6)
Rnd 1: inc in each st around (12)
Rnd 2: inc, sc1 around (18)
Rnd 3: inc, sc2 around (24)
Rnd 4: inc, sc3 around (30)
Rnd 5: inc, sc4 around (36)
Rnd 6: inc, sc5 around (42)
Rnd 7: inc, sc6 around (48)
Rnd 8-?: sc around until it's the length that you like (48)

The last two rounds work through both loops and sc around. Finish off and tie ends.

Skull and crossbones:

Ch4, Ch1, Turn
Rnd 1-5: sc across, ch1, turn
Finish off and make sure you have a moderately long tail. Tie the end of where you started. With the other tail sew it until it's at the middle of the rectangle and wrap it around the middle until your happy with it. Sew it on and finish off

I hope you enjoy this hat as much as I do :) It's easy and easy to make your own. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

1 comment:

  1. Hi River, thank you for this free pattern! It's really cute!

    A better way to write it for beginners to understand would to be more specific about what inc means. A friend found this and sent it to me for me to decipher for her. :/
